Breaking News
Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Info Post
Edited 02/05/13 10:11pm to add:

OPPS!  Sorry everyone, I goofed up!  This is NOT about the latest Press release dated today, but about the one done on Dec 25 2012!!!

... I'll go sit in the naughty corner.

Well my friends, this goes along with what I talked about last night on the OPPT IN radio show on Freedom Reigns:

If the MSM refuses to publish The People's Trust Press Release, if they refuse to comment on the OPPT, will not allow reporters to cover the story.... then we start at the bottom and move upwards.

I have done this several times with several grass roots movements and various topics that the main stream media refused to cover or comment on or even admit to their existence.  So we started at the bottom.  We talked to local small community news papers, college papers and radio stations, alternative media outlets..... Just like the occupy movement: Sooner or later the MSM has to report on the elephant in the room!!


Regarding the OPPT Press Release:

Response from PRWeb.


Patrick Levell replies:

“Unbelievable.   PRWeb — a distribution service for press releases which ties in to Reuters, AP, etc. — thinks OPPT is nonsense, and refuses to distribute the press release.”

“As a part of our editorial review process, this e-mail is to inform you that your press release has been put on editorial hold and requires your attention.
IMPORTANT:  Please review the following information regarding the status of your press release entitled:
The One People’s Public Trust Has Foreclosed on all Governments and Central Banks 10394012
Our editors have determined that some changes will need to be made to your press release in order to effectively distribute it on PRWeb.  Your press release has been placed on editorial hold status in order to allow you to make the required reviews and edits.
Our editors have made the following notes regarding your editorial hold:
Your press release references content or a resource that seems to be fictional or nonsensical.  Such content is not appropriate for distribution through a press release; PRWeb cannot distribute content of this nature.”

Followed with … …

One Peoples Trust Press Release thumbnail“The body content in your release makes no sense.  The notion that entities like the United Nations and World Bank have been foreclosed upon is untrue to the point of absurdity.
PRWeb does not publish parody news, manifestos, general interest articles or esoteric rants against major financial institutions.  We suggest that you contact our editorial team at to request a refund.”


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