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Thursday, 14 February 2013

Info Post

Freedom Reigns/OPPT-IN
Monday, February 11, 2013, 7:00 pm (EST)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 (Australia)

Lisa: Welcome everyone to the weekly OPPT-IN radio show. I'm Lisa Harrison and! We have a big day for you actually. Lots of good people. Lots of good discussion and news and updates. I’m going to start by bringing some people out. We've got Brian Kelly. Brian, you there with us? (silence) Brian?

Brian: Oh, dang mute button. (general laughter) I'm here. Hello everyone.

D: I knew that's what you were doing.

(general laughter)

Brian: Hi, Lisa. Hi, everyone.

Lisa: Hi, sweetie. We've got D, obviously.

D: Yes, D giggling her ass off on the radio. Yes. Yes. Hi, everyone, nice to see you all, or hear you all.

Lisa: And we've got Chris in Melbourne.

Chris: Hello everybody…back again…looking forward to it all.

Lisa: Excellent. And we've got Bob of course.

Bob: Yep. I'm here too. Welcome everyone. Lots of good stuff coming out.

Lisa: Of course Heather is always planning on joining us and she is planning on joining us again today. It all depends on how much attack her internet is under at any given moment. We shall see. We've also been joined today by Scott and Ken Bartle from western Australia. Now some of you may have heard of these guys already. Their movie, "What the FUQ?", otherwise known as, "FUQ, Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian Government". This actually was a documentary that they made and put on YouTube, freely available at the end of last year. It aired on western Australia television a couple of nights ago. Heather watched it and her response was, "Amazing". She was blown away.

Because essentially what this documentary chronicles is a process that Scott, with his father Ken's assistance, went through in western Australia and for Australia in general. It very much mirrors the process that the One People's Public Trust did on a global scale. So, we really encourage you to go and watch it. It’s on YouTube…”What the FUQ? “ If you were able to observe it and instead of hearing Australia or the Commonwealth, just hear global. You'll get an idea of the process that the trustees went through. Having said that, I'd like to bring Scott and Ken out. Welcome, both of you.

Scott: Thank you Lisa.

Lisa: That's Scott. Ken, are you there? (silence)

Scott: He's probably looking for that mute button.

Lisa: Yeah, I'm sure he is. Now for those people who haven't seen it, and I know we don't have you for long, so we're looking for the elevator speech...

Ken: Hello?

Lisa: There you go Ken. We're asking for the elevator speech version, because we haven't got you for very long. I understand from watching the movie, but what triggered all this for you was the simple act of importing a car from the U.S. to Australia. This took you on an unexpected journey, uncovering a great deal of fraud essentially. Can you give people a round-up of the journey you went on and why? 

Scott: The quick version of it is importing a '59 Chev Corvette from the States to Australia. At the time, I believed I needed import approval from the Department of Transport. That process ultimately took me nine months and had various roadblocks thrown up in my way. During that time, I found all sorts of moving of the gold places(?) with the governments and the departments involved. Ultimately led to research, which found that I wasn’t really dealing with the government, I was dealing with a corporation pretending to be a government instead.

As a result of that, I think I was writing...came up with this on the bus on the way home from work. I realized if they were already just a corporation, I might as well treat them as one. I offered the customs, in this case, who were demanding money off me for various taxes. I offered them terms and conditions and said, "Look, will these terms apply, if you're unable to demonstrate that you're a real government? Happy to pay your taxes, if you can prove that you're a real government. In the absence of that, here's my terms and conditions." So, they remained absolutely silent all the way through and refused every opportunity to demonstrate that they're legitimate. Essentially since then I've been treating them as a company, all the way through invoicing, overdue notices, exactly like your telephone company would do and ultimately filing a lien against them. That's probably the quick snapshot.

If you like, I’d love to draw the parallel with where we've got to with The One People's Public Trust.

Lisa: Definitely.

Scott: Well, I suppose the similarities with it...and this is something probably that a lot of people can relate a bank when it goes and forecloses on someone as a result of their mortgage or finance or whatever. They go through a certain process. They'll send you a notice that you're in arrears. Then they'll send you a default notice. Then they'll send you a final notice. At that point, they will go and take that whole bundle of paperwork along to a court, often through a debt collector or a lawyer and they'll file the paperwork in the court. Once that paperwork is run through and generated its’ own judgment…and that may be with or without you being present, which is quite hilarious in itself…they end up with a judgment for the payment or the enforcement of that mortgage. If you go back along to the bank and query it, the bank just goes and points to that judgment that was received from the court. Now, you can huff and puff as much as you like in most cases and the court authority, the bank, will continue to point to that default judgment. They'll continue to point to that until the cows come home.

What I thought was, “Why can't we use the same process?” and then we'll stand there and point to our default judgment till the cows come home. That's essentially what I did with the Corvette. I went through an administrative process, asking for the evidence. Didn't get it…formalized that fact…formalized the fact that, “Here are my terms and conditions and they are in play until they are invalidated in a proper court.” Spelled out everything that was required per what I knew of the Constitution to do so. Since then, I've been pointing to my terms and conditions and my default judgment and saying, "There you go. That's now the ultimate statement of facts. Forget about whatever things that you thought you might have had. You've already agreed to this and by default." Now I point to that default judgment. I suppose where I'm going with that is banks doing exactly that and pointing at a default judgment. The leap to actually do that for ourselves was a very interesting exercise. Coming to that and being able to use it, I think, is probably the most powerful thing we're bringing to the table here.

Lisa: So, did you recognize the same process when you saw what The One People's Public Trust had done?

Scott: Well, the thing I spotted was, yeah, I'd gone through that same process. The beauty of it was instead of me pointing to my default judgment that I'd generated, here was one that was already produced by the trustees that we can point to. I thought, "Well, this is on a global scale. This is not just me and the Australian government. I can point to this. Anyone can point to this. Bob in the United States can point to it. We're going to rely upon it. Let's use it."

Lisa: Absolutely. Absolutely. Now, I think we've actually got Heather on the line at the moment. Heather, are you there?

Heather: I'm here.

Lisa: Lovely. So, can you just tell us your response when you saw this movie and you saw what the boys had done there in western Australia and how it related to what The People's Trust has done?

Heather: Whoa…okay. When I first saw the video, I was watching it because a lot of people were asking at the time, "What is OPPT? What has it done? Give it in plain English, 3D, or something everyone can understand." At the time, writings didn't flow and this video came across our desk from (inaudible) and I think Bob Wright. I watched it and...(inaudible)...personable, easy to understand, fun, enjoyable statement of basically the exact process of what we did, of what OPPT did. However I guess what we would call Limited Prime, which would be the Commonwealth...(silence)

Bob: Uh oh, we may have lost her. Houston, we have a problem.

D: We lost her.

Lisa: She's still there on the line. Oh, there you are.

Heather: I'm here, sorry, where did I drop you?

D/Lisa: Limited Prime...the Commonwealth Prime.

Heather: Oh, okay. The Limited Prime to the Commonwealth Australia is what (inaudible) we're dealing with. We basically just took all the Limited Primes from all around the globe...and they're in the hundreds, if not thousands...and figured out a nexus point. Basically the same process Scott and his father worked through, it's the same exact process we used. We just did it on the global scale and we only had to do basically two nexus points, because of the principal agent principle doctrine. Anyways, I was ecstatic. I was so happy to hear a different know how I like to hear different voices...a different voice explaining it in such simple terms and a very enjoyable way. I got it. I thought everyone else would too, really enjoy the energy. It showed that the same process is universal. It was uniform. No matter what was done in Australia. No matter what was done in United States or Africa, anywhere in Africa, Morocco, anywhere. It was still the same process. That was my initial response. Actually, I was jumping up and down and posting it everywhere. That was hilarious.

Lisa: Sorry. I was muted there. I was getting the link to put into the chat room there for people to go have a look at the video on YouTube. So, there's the link. Do go and watch it, because it's going to give you an understanding of what comes next, with the Courtesy Notice, which we're hoping will be up online within the next 48 hours. At the moment, that's what Heather says. We are hoping for the 48 hours. We know you guys have been waiting on this ever since we first brought it up. It has been worked on constantly since we first mentioned it and for quite some time before that. We want to make sure it's right. Heather wants to make sure it's right. Chris and Scott and Ken want to make sure it's right. It will come with very detailed instruction, both visual and written. Also, we're going to discuss it a little bit on today's show, so that you can see how it came about, how it can be used and why it feels like to us that it's the next logical step and the first tool that we can put on the ground. So, yes…48 hours. I'm putting my neck out there.

(general laughter)

Heather: Lisa, if I could just comment really quickly on that? Scott and Ken and Chris and others were working on this Courtesy Notice, what they call a Courtesy Notice...and then the basically it's a combination of a Declaration of Facts and basically what's called a UCC-2501 (3501?--somewhat distorted) Demand, as well as (inaudible) of a contract. So, basically giving people courtesy notice of who you BE, that you are the registered owner, right? You're telling them to cease and desist potentially harming you, damaging you and if they do damage you, they're going to be responsible for and liable for. By the way, here's a way to...if you want to play with me, here's the terms and conditions to play with me. That you're very open and honest and transparent about what you BE and the steps and process of how they can engage with you, which is something they have never afforded anyone else in the former slavery system. 

So, I'm taking that doc(?) and I was a very busy day as most of you know and even busier behind the curtain. So, it would have been ready today. It will be ready by tomorrow and then there'll be a second document, which will be...essentially this document will handle matters that come before you that are new. The second document will be the same kind of a document to move to the same place, but it will be to address matters that are already in process. Like you're already in a court case or you're already in the middle of a foreclosure or something like that. So there's one that is basically new process and there's one that is, hey, I'm already in the thick of it, I need to get that clean spot as well, kind of a (inaudible). Those are my comments. 24 hours for the first one and probably 48 for the next.

Lisa: Brilliant. Now it’s my understanding that essentially what this document is doing…well, one of the things that it’s doing…is pointing out to the individual that’s contacting you that the corporation they think is standing behind them…that they represent and is covering their liability… no longer exists. They’re actually coming to you as an individual and they’re making these demands. They are standing there in front of you as an individual knowing full well that full personal liability. It that an accurate understanding?

Heather: Yes, the corporations are all foreclosed on. So these guys are standing there naked.

Lisa: Yes.

Heather: Essentially, they’re in their full…whenever I say full personal responsibility, what other kind of responsibility is there? That’s the point.  It’s making them identify themselves. Don’t tell them what they BE, just tell them what you BE and then ask them, “Okay, what are you? Until you tell me what you are, you don’t get to play.” Now, Scott and Ken and I talked and they went through the same realizations that I did. There’s two different BE’ings and entities going on here. One of them is fraudulent and deceitful. It’s pointing to the one they want people to rely on and connect and make this presumption. So whether they’re a corporation, whether they’re standing there in person, it doesn’t really matter. The point is this document makes them tell you under what liability and under what law, essentially, they are going to move under, and its contract law. It’s a contract. A private contract between the…Scott sending it out to me, then Scott telling me, “Here, I am Scott. Who are you? If you want to play with me, here’s my terms.” Then I turn around and say, “Okay, I am Heather and here’s my terms.” If they don’t match, you just work it out. You are either going to play together or you aren’t. Those are the only two options. When you consciously move forward and do this, you figure out if you’re going to play or not.

Lisa: Scott’s making the comment, “Look at my badge.” (general laughter) I’ve got one of those in my dress-up box too.

Heather: Yeah, exactly, look at my badge. Scott, I really… and Ken did a great job. I really enjoyed it. (inaudible) I really hope that people go and see this, because it saves me a lot of time from answering questions about what was done. It just is a beautiful way and to share the energy from across the world, it’s just fabulous. That’s all I’ve got to say on that and thank you Scott and Ken and Chris and Lisa.

Scott: Thank you for approving.

Ken: You’re welcome.

Lisa: I am also getting messages from Max Igan. By the way, Scott and Ken, he said to say thank you for the great work that you guys have done. He’s pointed a lot of people to your documentary and he just wanted to give you a shout-out.

Scott: Thank you very much.

Ken: All the same, (inaudible), Max.

Lisa: Max is a good guy. Hopefully we’ll have him on the show in the next couple of weeks once he’s been brought up to speed with what’s going on here too. Is there anything else you wanted to add, Scott or Ken, about the documentary itself and the conclusion that you came to?

Scott: Yeah, I’ve got a bit I can add. I would say that the process that I went through to get to even the point where I wanted to produce that documentary was…if I did a snapshot of my fear or how I felt…my anxiety…I will use the example of when I go to the letter box. When I was first going out to the letter box and getting these registered mails that are coming from the Department of Transport, which ultimately had these refusals in it, my anxiety level was off the scale. You could physically feel it. You’re tightening up in your chest and a bit of shaking and I was right into it. At the end of the process, if I took another snapshot, I was going out there…this was by the time I was invoicing customs and that sort of thing…its almost like you go out to the letter box disappointed there’s no customer who’s accepted your terms and conditions. It’s like you’re standing in your coffee shop and you’ve got no customers. Go to your letter box and there is nothing there. That is disappointing. The transition from that position of fear to the point where I’m going, “Hey, I know who I am. Who are you?” was a phenomenal transition. I think the tools that we’re putting out there are likely to provide people with the same sort of opportunity to test the water and try it and do it and actually experience that themselves. I’d say there’s a lot of benefit to be had from that.

Chris: Yeah, Scott, I wonder if we could bring Bob in here for just a moment. We’ve had so many requests for this. We actually have given, on very strict terms, one or two draft copies of this document out to some people who wanted to do something on the spot and had to. Bob had one incidence of that last week and I think… Bob, would you like to share that with us?

Bob: Well, yeah. Mind you now, my friend was involved in two separate cases. One was a student loan case and the other, I believe, was car or auto loan or motorcycle loan or something like that. In the one case, he had already sent paperwork identifying himself as a diplomat asking them what jurisdiction do they have. I am the living beneficiary and basically they ignored him and continued with their proceedings, which is what they tend to like to do. As it started to escalate and he was being threatened with judicial action and he asked, “What can I do? They’re coming after me and they’ve garnished my wages.” I gave him a copy of the unfinished copy of the Courtesy Notice and he sent it out to both places. He got an immediate reaction from both sources. Now, you may call one positive and one negative, but I say they are both positive because when you get a strong reaction like that, you know you are on the right track.

In the first case, within a matter of two days, they had assembled, met with the judge and summoned him to appear in court for questioning to which he responded with the example that you gave, Heather. “This seems to be a summons. I will appear when you first provide A,B,C,D. On the second one, they called him and they asked, “Well, what is all this about”? He said, “Well, I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. You’re operating on behalf of a foreclosed entity. If you continue to persist, you are going to be held personally liable. Just so you know, this is phone call one.” Then the lady goes, “I can see how this is going to work. You’ll get confirmation that your student loans are paid in a couple of days.”  And that was it.

(general laughter)

Chris: Yeah.

Heather: Yes. When you receive a reply, like you said, it does tell a lot. I know that my father…when I was testing everything…the banks came out from under radar. Not by choice, they went after family members. So my dad’s watching this whole thing and kind of like scared. He’s a man that pays his debts and if he borrows something, he pays it back. I’m like great. Then the bank came in and tried to tie his house to an unsecured loan. I just said to ask them in a nice simple letter to please verify with documentation that you made a loan. There are three requirements in law regarding banking for that. They freaked out and within ten days, they went in to foreclose on him…within ten days. I knew what was going to happen, so we prepared for it. But the immediacy of a reply, especially when you get a reply from the bank…yet no one signs it. They just put “Legal Department” in typewritten, not even handwritten, not even handwriting, They’re scared of you guys BE’ing and their scared of you guys DO’ing and they’re getting scared that you guys aren’t scared anymore. Does that make sense?

Lisa: Yes.

Chris: Absolutely. Heather, one of the things that Ken and Scott and I kicked around for several hours was the personal liability aspect of this, but overlaid with the document, is the intent not just that we’re deflecting something that they’re trying to demand of us unlawfully, but that part of our intent is to actually let them know or to educate them, because these people just don’t know what is going on and most of them are just doing a job, to educate them as to what the real situation is and where they’re placed. You could see that coming out in the story that Bob told. That is a big part of what we are doing, because that lets the system know that we know what’s up.

Heather: Yeah. Most of them don’t know what’s up. At the lower level, they don’t know what’s up. They don’t even know the mechanics of it. When I went in to the court system, I went into a court system that I had actually worked in as a prosecutor. When we were going into investigate the level of judicial correction, like who are the judges secretly meeting. It turned out to be the Bar and the bank with the sheriff and the city council executive and the county risk manager. So as they’re sitting there meeting, you just sit there and wonder. The next thing I know, I am getting a call from the county clerk, the elected county clerk for Superior Court, who’s trying to convince me that certain things are not what I say they are. Like public servants don’t have to have a bond, and they don‘t. (chuckle) I’m just kind of like (chuckle). There is a problem here, because I’m a public servant. So everything you’re telling me is all in the statute. Yet they didn’t even realize what data or who I was even working with…intelligence agents…Department of Justice officers. All these people inside the system were helping to work the data and bring this out to the people so they knew.

All I’m saying is, regardless of what their responses are, it’s real simple. Source or God or Allah or Yahweh, whatever you want to call it, doesn’t matter. First, Source creates you. There is nothing between you and that creator. If they try to insert themselves, then just say, “Who are you?  What law are you operating under? What authority do you think you have?” It’s real simple. That’s what I loved about Scott’s video. Here’s something that people can really grab on to. Scott is a normal guy, well kind of, who rides big boats that are just absolutely gorgeous and has this international background. However, you’re sitting there watching a guy who wants to bring a car in. It started there, and each one of us has our own trigger point, so what’s it going to take for people to finally stand up and just be? These people are going to say whatever they are trained to say, they’re on a script. You take them off that script and they freak out and then their bosses start to freak out and then their handlers start to freak out. Just stay calm, stay cool and keep asking the question until you get the answer. They are asking you to identify yourself, why can’t they? Okay?

Chris: Yep, the other thing I would like to do is…speaking to Ken before the show and Ken had just assembled a couple of thoughts about the intent behind the message. Do you want to speak to that for a moment, Ken?

Ken: Yes, I would like to do that. The important thing I think is, as Heather was eluding to there…she didn’t explain it quite clearly…well, I think she did…the energy behind this is the most important thing I think. It’s not just a question of going out and beating someone over the head with a baseball bat. It’s far more than that. It’s educating the other person as to the position they really stand in, but it’s also educating yourself to the position you stand in.

I had a sudden thought this morning, of an analogy, if you like. I would like to give you that story. Imagine standing on a city street and you walk along a few steps and you come to an intersection and you turn and you look to one side. It’s a one way street and you see that the landscape has changed dramatically. You see that there’s different circumstances there that are not conducive to having traffic drive over them. You turn around and you see a line of cars approaching to go up that street. You realize you need to do something and you need to do it quickly and you need to do it firmly. So you hastily reach in your pocket and you pull out a white glove, which in this case is a metaphor for the Courtesy

Notice that we have prepared. You pull this white glove on and you step fearlessly out in front of the first car. You hold your hand up firmly and politely and you say, “Stop”. The driver comes to a standstill. You walk up to the driver and say, “I am going to have to inform you that the road ahead is a different landscape from what you thought it was. It’s all been changed. Not only that, but the car you drive…that steel shell that is protecting you at the moment…has just vaporized. It doesn’t exist anymore. Now, step out, because I’ve got three situations now that I want to explain to you…three alternatives that you can do. The first alternative that’s available to you is to stand here and do absolutely nothing. The second alternative is to walk up that street all alone, because you don’t have that protective shell which is the corporation anymore. That corporation has vanished. You’re on your own. You can walk up that street, but if you do, I am going to tell you there are some conditions up there that you’re probably not going to like. Your third alternative is to turn around and walk back down that line of cars that are pulled up behind yours and explain to each of those drivers in turn exactly what I’ve explained to you.

Lisa: Oh, Ken, that is perfect and beautiful. I love it.

(hands clapping)

Ken: That’s the main gist (inaudible…several talking at once)

Lisa: Ken, it’s brilliant. Yes, high five.


Ken: It expresses what this document is about. It firstly means your own realization of the fact that the landscape changed dramatically. Secondly, it brings you to the position that Scott mentioned about being fearless. You step out in front of that traffic and…(inaudible)…“Stop.” Then you explain the circumstance to the other person. You lay the cards on the table. You give them their choices. The choices are then to go back and to help educate those other people. If we can do that through this document, it won’t be long before there’ll be more and more people putting their white glove on and stopping the world going where it’s going.

Brian: Wow.

Chris: Thank you Ken. That is absolutely lovely.

Lisa: That was amazing.

Heather: Ken, I just love the cadence of the voice. (general laughter) I’m going to have to listen to the call again.

Chris: Yeah. One thing I would like to say too, is the documentary that Scott and Ken produced…as you are watching it, just bear in mind the cameraman was mostly Ken and some of the voiceovers are Ken too. It’s Scott’s baby, but Ken was a big part of it.

Lisa: Yeah, we’ve still got Scott…is he still with us?

Scott: Yep, still here, Lisa.

Lisa: I know we have to lose you soon. Is there anything you wanted to say before you have to run off?

Scott: I am enjoying where this is going and that’s a good analogy there, Dad. Good one.

Ken: Thank you.

Scott: Yeah, I think it’s just a matter of getting off your tail end and getting out there and doing it. The way you do it is so varied. You can do it in so many different ways. It can be as simple as just asking an official, “Who are you?” to putting in documents and notices and all sorts. I’m finding more and more people around the world are just reaching that little trigger point that Heather mentioned. Just pushing them over the edge just far enough to go, “Oh, right, I’m doing something.” It doesn’t mean you have to go out with revenge or a vengeance attitude. You go out there with integrity seeking truth and to get that transparency that we’re aiming for. It can be done in so many different ways.

Lisa: Thank you. Thank you. Okay, do we want to move on to discussing the CVAC at this point?

Heather: Yeah

Chris: Look, I am happy to do that.

Heather: Yeah, well I think Scott and Ken really kind of transitioned that energy.  Ken is talking about this document being a really nice way to tell them to stop and tell them the way and the landscape has changed. It is about kindness. This is all about energy, okay?
There’s a lot of data that is still coming out right now. You have some big conferences coming out this month regarding some disclosures…regarding non-locals, or what you call ET’s…regarding different programs that have been done. I believe AK, American Kabuki, has revealed a lot of stuff on the Montauk Project…NSA-type project…which are just collaborative efforts of basically a space military. So what I would like to do is….right now, Ken and Scott and Chris have really created this great tool of basically saying, “Who are you?” in a very kind and gentle way, but at the same time firmly standing in who you BE. So that’s really the CVAC.  We ripped the band-aid off. Some people haven’t really noticed that that’s what’s been going on. I mean today’s news is probably the most blatant, without having to have Absolute Context regarding the Pope resigning.

(Heather and Lisa talking at once)

Lisa: Yeah, the Pope did announce that he is stepping down on the 23rd, I believe.

Heather: Yes.

Lisa: 600 years to do so.

Bob: 28th.

Lisa: 28th, oh okay. I have seen three different dates...24th…sorry...23rd, 25th and now you have said 28th, so sometime this month.

Heather: Right, so I know there’ll be more absolute, more data that comes up, so you can put it into Absolute Context. But it is still one of those...I think D had said there was only one other Pope that had resigned in this manner. Usually they resign in a much different manner.

Lisa: They resign from life all together.

Heather: Yeah, they resign from life altogether. So, what I would like to tell everyone is...the CVAC...the band-aid has been ripped off. Right now, the error is going over all the information that Scott and Ken and Chris put out, put at least in front of me. It is a tool because people really need to understand how to BE. What you do tells everyone, notices everyone, of what you BE, right? (Lisa acknowledges) So, if you go into these CVAC’s and you don’t know what you BE, then what you DO is going to be a whole lot of kind of running around with your head cut off.  Not only that, but what do the people choose to BE? Well, the only example they’ve had is what they have been under for eons, which is this hierarchy system.

Here is the present…and Lisa and some others have brought up…we want to do a council type of a thing. The way that I really see it is there’s a potential of seven billion plus public servants and a possibility of a one-on-one as far as service to each other. Meaning everyone practices self-responsibility. Now, yes, there are some people that have no idea what is going on. Other than the village where they don’t have clean water. Their family members get shipped over to a neighboring village where some corporation went in to mine some gold, for instance. I worked a lot in Zambia, prior to the investigation and that was the situation. Going through the data…some people just don’t have access to it. So a big part of the assistance and…can anyone of you tell me, what the CVAC is? I mean, have you read the document to see what it says? Because it says it is government, but that was just for the bridge, so you could identify what it was going to replace.  Basically it is systems of assistance. It’s not a government, where I go in and tell Ken and Scott how they’re going to act or what they’re going to do and what their opportunities are or limit then in any way. It is basically systems of assistance. What help do you need? How can we get this to you? It brings the people together. You have to have these contrived events like 911 for people to actually see what community actually means.

Chris: Heather, there’s a conversation that Lisa and Bob and I had last week about what the CVAC might look like in its structural terms, which we are going to post on American Kabuki or/and the OPPT website later today. I encourage people to listen to it. It’s actually my visualization of how the CVAC works. It is a three-dimensional description of the structure that I see when I read the documents. I think it will be valuable to people, much easier than reading the documents. It will be valuable to people to get just how transparent it is, just how it covers everybody and how there is no one that is left out. Everybody is connected to this thing. No matter what direction they look at it from, it works the same way and it works only to serve them. There is nothing in there that isn’t serving them. Anything that is not serving them is not in there. I think that will be of assistance to a lot of people, just to give them something to hang their hat on what they think the CVAC will be.

Heather: Yeah. I would love between now and your next show, Lisa, not tomorrow’s show, but the next week. The way that we have these CVAC’s set up is one, for people to understand by the governments that they’ve had before…president structure and all that. That was just until…as a place holder. 

Lisa: Yep.

Heather: What we always knew is that there are no limits. Everything is possible. Basically the systems of assistance put all the data on the table for everyone to look at.  For education, here are all the options of what exists today in any country anywhere on this planet.  Now, looking at this, what resonates with people? They each get to choose whatever they want, but the point is these systems of assistance put on the table all the data. Then whatever the people choose, that is what they choose for themselves. That is what works for them. There may be some like-minded individuals. So you have actual social network focus points. So anything that doesn’t limit, that’s what we saw as far as going in, was to make sure there was no limit and that the people have an opportunity to do whatever. What I would ask is that” I Am Love”…I saw Mike’s from Norway. His group sent in a visual, or Mike did, sent in a visual of how he saw the CVAC. I would love to see what everyone else wants to see. I would have to ignore all emails and all Skypes, for the rest of the week pretty much as far responding. I know people are dissatisfied with my timing of response. I would look at all of these. and then I would love to discuss it next week.  Meanwhile, there is a lot of DO’ing and a lot happening going on behind the curtain. Maybe at that point you will see even more than you did today or last week.

Chris: Hey, Heather, that would be great. Because again I will emphasize that the discussion we had was my view of what I saw.  I could probably re-arrange what I gave out into at least two other slightly different versions doing the same thing. I would love to hear what other people’s ideas are. Because one of the things…and I’d like you to speak to this a little bit…one of the things that is written into the CVAC contracts and contractual system are contracts that turn over quickly.  In the sense that we can try something and if it doesn’t fit we can fix it in a couple months time and we can dispense with it completely and do something else. That gives us the flexibility to, as you say, look at something, look at the data and say, “Is that what we want?” We can try it and dispense it. Because all the political systems that we deal with now…or all the ones that were…they have three/four year turn-around. It’s like moving a giant boulder, the people never get traction. So do you want to speak to the kind of short-term flexible evolution that we are looking to achieve?

Heather: Like I said, the CVAC’s were just a place holder, because here’s all these corporations operating under the guise of government. The only way that you can block them essentially is by putting in the people’s government. We named it something different in order, as an umbrella, because each person is basically a treasure.  Each body is a treasury. The short-term periods were because we wanted to make sure that ...number one, this was a place holder to keep the PTW at bay. If we had to go head to head, they would be going head to head with the trustee essentially. We weren’t afraid of that. However at the same time, I think it’s two to three…excuse me, I think it is three months…

Chris: Yes, three months.

Heather: A three-month turnaround. We wanted to make sure the people did not feel threatened. Number one, what we did was made sure the ownership, full title right and value, were all owned by the people, so that was one big one. Two, was that this was short-term turn-around in order for the people not to think that this is long-term, or they’re switching out from the pot to the kettle. We wanted to make sure they had room to maneuver and felt safe while they did. That’s why they are short-term periods. That way if someone messes up, it’s easier to get them out of there. There is less time for them to maneuver and go in and try to subjugate, but it does not matter. Whatever they do, they’re fully liable for. The damage is always going to be accounted for under the governing law of common law principle. We put a lot of safeguards in there.

Chris: Yeah. The other thing that really, really stands out to me is the transparency. I mean the areas of responsibility that you have denoted in the document itself where you speak to the different responsibilities that the CVAC has, like systems of knowledge, communication, and travel.  There’s one specifically that is focused on transparency, ensuring that everything is available at all times. Which I personally think is absolutely brilliant, because I am so sick of political systems run behind closed doors and I want that to be a thing of the past.

Heather: If they have something to hide in their own personal matters, well that is their business. However, when they are interacting with any other BE’ing, there has to be transparency on both sides, 100%, regarding their interaction with each other. Otherwise where’s the trust? If these are the people’s government, then these are the people’s servants, or public service employees. Then they should be 100% transparent. That way you know where the accountability and the liability is and you know (inaudible)…can measure and manage the efficiency, right?

Chris: Absolutely.

Lisa: Chris, can you just tell people where they can find the CVAC documents?

Chris: The documents are in two places on the website. The ones that will be sort of the most interest in the CVAC menu, there’s one that is simply called CVAC. In the UCC filings, if you go down to the bottom menu...2012, part 2…there’s several documents in there. The names…I don’t have the website in front of me which is probably a mistake…but there amongst the last half a dozen in the bottom of that menu. There’s a Declaration and Order, then the CVAC Constitution and an Offer to Contract, which is an offer that’s made to literally anybody that wants to actually take up involvement in a CVAC. Then there’s a copy of an actual contract, which is Heather’s, the one that she actually made to create a placeholder CVAC. Then there’s a Contract for CVAC Branch.

They all hold. They all cross over. There’s information that’s in all of them and some of them have bits that are only in there. Really folks, if you can get your heads around it, they are really worth a read.  As I say, as I have been saying about the documents, the best bits are in the middle of the documents, once you get past the introductory material. The duties of a CVAC, the duties of the public servants in them, are absolutely specified in there. Read it and reflect as to how it compares to the current political systems. It will just blow your mind.  Because they are just completely the antithesis of what we’ve been looking at our entire lives. Which is why my copy sitting in front of me is absolutely covered in comments and highlighter pen and bits of sticky notes sticking out the sides, so I can find things.

Lisa: The website you can get them from is of course the site and, so from both of those websites.

Ken: Lisa, I’m wondering if I can just add to what Chris has just said. My study of the CVAC documents is a bit like imagining government at the moment, as somebody who puts roadblocks and obstacles in your way at every opportunity they get. If you compare that to the complete opposite where the government says, “How can I help you get what you want?” When you understand that, in terms of a facilitation process rather than a stumbling block process, then you get close to what CVAC represents. It is a facilitation process rather than a stumbling block. That makes a world of difference to how people can interact with one another. Because at every tick of the clock, there is someone there saying, “How can I help you get what you want? ‘

Lisa: Yeah, yep...understood.

Chris: Yeah, it is not the sort of response you get down at the local government’s employment service.

Ken: Absolutely not.

Lisa: Someone in the chat room’s just mentioned that they received an email yesterday saying that the oppt1776 website is bogus. (general laughter) Well, I can assure you it’s not if you are going to the right website and the right web site is If there are any copies out there, then that is what they are, but that is the official website where you can get the documents.

Chris:             Now the other thing to mention, Lisa, is if you want to find the UCC filings, one of the trustees has released a YouTube video of how to look it up. It is a slightly antiquated search engine that you’re using. So it is a little bit difficult to find. But he’s clearly shown how to navigate through and see the original filings. So if you have any doubts that the documents are real and exist, there you can find your proof.

Lisa: Also, if you come across any websites that are trying to look like OPPT and are asking for donations, then they’re not OPPT. If someone has personally decided to DO and create a supporting website and they are asking for donations, then just know that those donations will be going to that individual who’s created that website and they are looking for some support to keep it going or something like that. The donations are not going to The People’s Trust.

Brian: One more thing on that Lisa. If anybody has...we’re creating a list of all the websites that are popping up out there and trying to vet them out as much as we can to see which ones are trying to receive donations and/or are legitimate. I know that the is the only official one…People’s Public Trust web site. But if anybody has any they want to add to the list, we have an email set up specifically for that… We can get all the sites added to one, so we can put them all out there for people to navigate and find stuff that is local.

Lisa: The website……has become the grand cruise website. So myself, Brian, AK, Caleb, Chris…we are all contributing to that website.

Brian: One more thing on that website, real quick Lisa. If we are going to do a little flash mob toward the end of the call…if everybody that is out there listening, go to the site now and then under the main banner, it says, “download the flash mob media kit now”. Go ahead and download that. There’s some pre-developed, or produced, pieces of art that we’re going to go and blast some Facebook pages at the same time. Some really fun ones at the end of the call. So it says, “download the flash mob media kit now”. Go ahead and go do that. That way we can throw a bunch of pics up there, instead of just writing or links to website.

Lisa: Where? I can’t find it. I’m not seeing it on the website.

Brian: It is right under the main banner. It says, “download the flash mob media kit now”. (Lisa and Brain talking at same time) It is another banner. It is pretty big. (Lisa and Brian laughing and commenting about banner)

Lisa: Now I can see it…it is bright pink.

Heather: (inaudible)

Brian: What is that, Heather?

Heather: Is that on Facebook?

Brian: No, it is on OPPT-IN .com got hacked this morning and we were able to figure it out. So now it is back on live now. So it is It is in pink underneath the main banner (Heather acknowledges) for people to go and download. Perfect.

Hey, I am reading…Kauilapele’s in the queue right now. He sent a link to his blog post that he put on today, in regards to one of his contacts out in Hawaii named Ginger, who had some comments based on the dialogue that we had last week regarding the CVAC’s when Julian came on. It sounds like she expressing some…well she wants to have her concern addressed on the call if she could. It is something that a lot of people share as well, so we might as well bring it up. Her biggest thing was that she wants more understanding. There was a point where we starting talking about how…Julian made a comment about how somebody couldn’t go out and buy a Ferrari with their CVAC and with the funds that they have, the digital funds. To her and to a lot of other people, it sounded like there’s going to be some hierarchical structure…dictatorship…saying what they can and cannot use funds for. I realize this is a very…looking at it from this perspective is a hard thing to do for many, because they don’t really understand the process. But what she writes here is, it sounds like there are going to be a CVAC Board of Directors. Let’s see…will each individual of the group…

Chris:  Brian, can I stop you there? I just want to make a comment. I really want to clear this up. The discussion we had with Julien was based on a download that he had. He wasn’t looking at the documents and interpreting. This was just stuff that came to him. He is a highly sensitive chap. He is a highly, highly tuned person, but we all know some of the information that comes from most downloads is distorted, colored, etc. The mechanism for that we can only speculate about. Essentially he was presenting a view of the CVAC.. It really wasn’t even his. It was from elsewhere. Now, we don’t have to accept anything that Julien said. Based on, I actually think some if it was correct. I think it was a mixture. The part about distribution to value in some controlled way, I completely disagree with.  Virtually everybody around me, including your contact, feels the same. This is data that’s been put on the table, a view that got put on the table. As Heather said before, we need to get all our views on the table. The interesting thing is, I think it is going to be really easy to sort through what we want and what we don’t want. So we looked at some of Julien’s data and we said, “Yeah, we like that.”, because he spoke about the rolling contracts, which is a really positive thing, for instance. But he also spoke about this controlled access to value, which is not only at odds with the specifications of the CVAC, but I personally don’t want to go there. That is my view on it and virtually everyone else’s as well. What I would like to say to your contact is that particular view that was presented, that that part of that view, that’s just not going to happen. I’d like to assure everybody else, in the CVAC’s it says specifically, “immediate, unencumbered, unfettered access to value, is one of the responsibilities of the public servants in the CVAC”, so let’s just put that one to bed.

Brian: Chris, I think what you just said hit the nail on the head. That’s what the message that we really want to make sure we get out there is, that that is not the direction that this is going. It’s not a structure that is going to be in place that is going to be set up to where there’s going to be people that are making that call. We’re trying to go into another direction and away from the model of the slavery systems that are in place that are ruling things right now. I didn’t bring it up to spend a whole lot of time on it, but I’m glad that you made all the comments that you just made. Because we have talked offline and I know some of the information that is coming from Julien is extremely powerful. We can talk about it at a later date. (several talking at once) I’m glad you made the comments that you made, Chris, because that is going to clear the air for a lot of people that have a lot of concerns.

(Several talking at once)

Chris: A little confusion going on here. Thanks, Brian. I really hope that people will simply move on because as (several talking at once). Heather has given a call for people to put out their ideas on the CVAC and I really want them to come back with stuff

Brian: Absolutely.

Lisa: That is exactly why we got Julien on the call. It was one person’s interpretation at this point in time, based on the information he was getting. Even for him it has evolved and changed in the last week. It’s all about getting the conversation started and getting people thinking about it. That was the purpose of bringing him on the show. We’ll have other people who want to come up and share their ideas too and what information they’re getting.

(several talking at once)

Heather: Just the fact that it’s brought into your, your consciousness, at this moment, that’s a huge one. Because most people just sit there and go, “I’ve got to vote. I’ve got to vote for either that guy or that guy.” Then there’s a whole list on a card, which you don’t even know about or see usually…the independent, the other political parties that actually are registered but get no time. That’s all they know. This really means, “What you do want to BE? How do you DO that Being?” We’re used to just taking orders. I got so many emails and phone calls, “Tell me what to DO. How do I BE? I want to help, but how? How? What are the CVAC’s? What can we DO? I would like to know. What do you guys want?  I would like something. Something that doesn’t limit me. Something that lets me BE really creative. Something that lets me BE free.”

Basically the only rule that I was going to put in the CVAC was just one rule. Then it was kind of, the guys were like, “Nobody is going to believe this.” I was like, “But it is that simple. The one rule of the CVAC was going to be, DO anything and everything you choose to DO, just so long as it doesn’t usurp, violate, invade, subjugate, (inaudible), abrogate anyone else’s right to BE and DO. That’s the only rule.”  Now, if you want to get kind about it, you could also add the rule, “treat others as you want to be treated”. I believe though, this is how I want to be treated by how I treat you essentially.

So, it’s really open guys, how do you want your systems of assistance to work? You need to think about it. Think about something you need assistance with and then think about, “Gosh, it would be really nice if someone did this in that particular aspect, actually did these steps and work it though, as an exercise.” Because once you start to do that, you really understand how much energy goes into Doing. So you better have your BE’ing really set. It’s okay if it changes. It’s going to change, because the data is going to come in. Something that you’ve never known before or things that you’ve known, but are put into Absolute Context. It’s okay to change, but just know who you BE at the present moment, of any given moment. 

Bob: Heather, that point, what you just said, I really want to highlight. Because a lot of times people are looking at this and they are thinking and waiting for someone to tell them what IS. We’re asking you, “What are you? What do you choose?” and that data, your choices, will change according to the data that you receive. For instance, if someone offered you a free house, okay. Well, with just that limited information, you may say, “Aw, sure, sure, sure.” But if you found out later on that in order to get that house x number of people needed to die. Well, when you add that extra information, perhaps your choice would be different. One of the things, when you talked about the gold being conscious and the gold being alive, when you understand that would you really want to lock it in a vault and enslave it?  Or do that to a living conscious thing?  After we are coming out of what we just suffered? Your choices may change.
When I started to look at the whole CVAC structure, when we started actually started visualizing it as Chris was telling us his ideas, I started to look at this. I was like, “Wow, if that was really there, do we really need money?” Perhaps we will, but I’m looking at the structure and I was like, “If everybody understood this, their choices might be different.” So it’s really important for people to start to digest all of this information, to get the idea of what this structure can be, what the possibilities are, with all the data that we have available. We haven’t even started to talk about the technology that might be available or will be available and how that’s going to affect our choices.

Brian: Bob, I think you make an absolutely great point. Look at it from this perspective. Take, for example, the history of lottery winners in the United States or all over the world. You ask somebody what would be the first thing you would do if you had a million dollars. “Oh, I would go out and buy a Ferrari.” Everybody that has won the lottery, well 70% of the lottery winners…first of all, they end up spending all of their money. But, they tell you that after about two months I think is the average that the statistics say…that the euphoria of having all the money wears off. Because everybody on their own comes to the realization that no matter how much stuff they buy, it doesn’t make them any happier. So they realize…and so many people that are on this call and listen to this call…they realize that true piece of mind and true happiness lies within and with what we already have.

When the discussion is being had in regards to what the CVAC funds can and can’t be used for, limiting it is not the direction. I totally agree. I wanted to bring this up because I felt it needed to be addressed. There are a lot of people out there that are wondering what the money is going to be used for. What people need to understand is that even if everybody went on some spending frenzy for the first 30, 60, 90 days, the novelty of that wears off. Because you don’t have more and more fun and accrue more and more happiness with the more things that you buy, that you purchase. You have to go within for that. It would only be a matter of time before the collective realizes that on a mass level and start to do that in whole. Now, we are talking about some major shifts into some beautiful, beautiful places with unlimited possibilities.

Heather: Do you want to see a live, real-time example here of data and how it may change your decision if you have that data? Let’s use the lottery example that Brian brought up. Everyone goes and buys a lotto ticket, because they want a chance to win a whole bunch of money, right? However, when the winner goes into collect on that ticket…what we found during the investigations…I mean, I’d already heard after living in Italy about lottery being mafia and everything else and met some of the guys that manage that stuff… but in the UCC’s we actually found the lottery winners, registered as debtors, listing the ticket, the winning lotto ticket. Basically, the winner is really a debtor and they use that debtor’s signature to go in and fund the “winning” and it’s sold off multiple times. So we found that companies…we were researching…to go back…that was tied back to the Bush’s. It’s a big front for the Bush’s. All of these lottery winners are secured in there as debtors. So these winners are walking around thinking that they won all this money. Yet their name is out there as a debtor in the banking world, in the commercial world and they have these huge debts.
So, I was trying to win the lotto ticket, trying to win one of the lottos, just so I could go in and do a live, real-time example of how to secure the ticket and not be the debtor, but put the state and everyone else as the debtors. This is some kind of a change of Absolute Context in data. I’ll have to look for those filings, so you guys can see them. It actually puts into Absolute Context what a winning, lottery winner really is. It’s a debtor, but you never see it. So at that point do you really go buy a ticket? If you buy a ticket, what are you going to do with that winning ticket? Are you going to make yourself just go and sign and take the money? It’s okay if I’m a debtor sold out a hundred times over. Or do I go in and secure that winning ticket? Or do I even buy a ticket at all? This is the kind of Absolute Data…not one piece missing…that we’re talking about for every area of life.

Lisa: Let’s see if lottery ticket sales drop in the next couple of weeks. (general laughter)  I think they might. (chuckle) They also say within 2 to 5 years an individual that has won large sums of money either ends up in exactly the same situation they were financially in before they won or they are even worse off.

(Several talking at once)

Heather: They hope that you just spend that money like crazy and don’t find out what they are doing. When we traced it all back to the Bush’s front and the CIA cover operation, all of a sudden the UCC office started making them paper filings, which means that you have to go into the UCC office to even ask for them.  You can’t get them online. I’m not sure if that’s still the case. It’s been a couple of years since I actually saw them. Just go in and ask questions…ask questions.

Lisa: Guys, we’ve actually got a lot of people with their hand up wanting to come out and talk or ask questions or make comments, whatever. We still have a lot to cover in the show, so I would like to try to get some of these out, if we can. So is everyone up for calls?

Brian: Yep…let’s do it.

Lisa: Okay, we’ve got caller with area code 612, 612…


Lisa: Are you on?

Caller: Hello…hello.

Lisa: Oh, there you are. What was your name?

Caller: Hi, I am Elisabeth from Minnesota.

Lisa: Hey, Elisabeth.

Elisabeth (caller): Hi guys. Hey, I’m happy. My heart just tells me…it’s beating a thousand miles an hour…it tells me that you guys…since we started gathering together… that this is it. The snowball is rolling. I just want to say, mystery Babylon has fallen and death is being swallowed up in victory, so… (chuckle)

(Several talking at once)

Lisa: Well, the people are resonating, I mean, this is such an over-used word these days, but they are connecting on some level. Even if they don’t understand the documents or they don’t understand the legal process, they are responding to the documents on an emotional level. I’ve heard people talk about this. They can’t answer a technical question, but they are so excited. They just know it’s true, but they couldn’t tell you how it works and that’s fine.

Elisabeth (caller): Yeah. I have a good picture of how it was a couple of weeks ago, so I talked with some people. Heather’s first talk way back when, I got excited when I figured out in between lines what she was saying. She was one of those good guys, a fly on the wall, the investigator. I said, “You guys, you’ve just got to get excited.” So, thank you all. We the people are finally standing up and let’s keep on going, guys. Love you all, thanks.

(Several talking at once)

Lisa: Thanks for calling in Elisabeth. Okay, we have area code 602. I have to unmute you though, 602, you there?

Caller: Oh, yes. Can you hear me?

Lisa: Yes.

Caller: Oh yeah, this is Frank. How are you?

Lisa: I am well, Frank. How are you?

Frank (caller): Just great. I was just so excited, because I filed my UCC form last week. I get the principles and I get the understanding and the freedom that this means. The only thing that…I don’t know how to say this…is looking at it in terms of this Trust. I think they ask you this question pretty much that I had is because when I think of a trust, I think in trustees. With the thing that…how do I say this?...the thing that my spirit is moving me towards, what I am most interested in…is technology: free energy devices and whatnot. I’ve always been kind of stymied with the problem of money. I’ve done my own experiments and I’ve looked at other experiments. There is a lot of things that I receive from the cosmos, so to speak. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but my guys, my galactic friends, have put thoughts in my head for forty years, of devices that I didn’t even understand. It’s like I foresaw in this…I knew what a laptop was, but I had no idea what it meant…but I could see it. Now today it is a reality. My question is that when it comes to trustees and trust funds, after filing these UCC forms with the OPPT as a debtor with the collateral paragraph in there, is there an actual process? I think I am understanding this. It’s going to the CVAC in order to begin to manifest actual steps that I can take to bring into…to forward into…this reality of free energy devices. That I would be able to access some of those funds just for example.

Lisa: Is this a show me the money question?   

Frank: Yeah.

Lisa: Because we get a lot of them, yeah, okay. (chuckle) Heather, do you want to address this? Because this is a question we are getting over and over and over again. Show me the money. Where’s the money?

(Several talking at once)

Frank: I don’t need you to show me the money, because I know the money is already there. I know the money is already there. I already checked it. It’s there. (chuckle) I know it’s there.

(Several talking at once)             

Heather: I’ll answer the question. (laughter) Jerry McGuire is a big reference point today, I guess. First you’ve got to have the tools, the tracking and transferring systems, right? Basically your banking system, and in fact that was a big question last week. Between the trustees and the bankers, I’ve gotten some calls from certain bankers. I get emails all the time from different (inaudible) on financial groups, hedge funds and what not, over this process since December 25th. In specific, wanting me to consult and all of this other stuff. Here’s the point, all of these pressure points, of you BEing and DOing, are pressuring each part of the body. At some point, and what is happening is, we are guarding that particular position, so that you can do that, the CVAC at that point. Either you are going to take the old tracking systems and transfer systems and use those, which would be the most efficient because they are already there and they are fantastic. They’re just abused and mismanaged. Or they won’t give them up. You are going to have to go in and do some (inaudible) part, which is fine that is not a problem either. Or you are going to create them from scratch.

That was the process that happened last week. There were some major choices that were made last Thursday or Friday. I can’t remember which day right now. That is why you haven’t had certain announcements that they said they were going to make regarding government, regarding financial. They had to make a decision and basically last Thursday and Friday, a decision came out. Now, you are going to start to see what that decision was visibly. Basically the end result, regardless of what the decision was, the result is you are going to have those tracking and transfer systems. That should be starting the flow, the access, the unfettered and unencumbered access to your funds. So that you are able to go in, do what you want to do. Don’t usurp, don’t violate. If you are going to buy a Ferrari, okay, well, great. For me, I have four kids I can’t fit in it, so it’s obviously not going to be a choice for me. (laughter) But everyone has their choices. There is going to be…I would be really…it would not resonate with me if someone told me what I could do and how I could do it, obviously. Otherwise I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing and I wouldn’t be here with you guys.  So why would I impose that on someone else? The tracking and transfer systems…it’s very important to go in and say, “Guys, here is your choice. Banks, here is your choice. That call went out last week. How do you want to do this?”

Lisa: So, when you say that call went out last week, are you saying, “Do you want to work with the people and provide a system for the transference of value, whatever that looks like or do you want us to make you completely obsolete?”

Heather: They're not providing a system. The people paid for that system all around the world. They used all taxpayer dollars to do it, so that system belongs to the people. It was just commandeered. Either they can return the system on their own, or they can…and we can assist the banks in finding their custodial position…because that’s what they really were supposed to be. A custodial position…a tracking, excuse me, a transfer agent. Instead they were used to harvest. They were used to commandeer. They were used to steal. That’s basically what they were used for.

As far as the transfer/tracking system, either they hand it over nicely or it's repossessed.
Or, we pull something else down with our very nice friends, our sparkly friends, and do it a whole other way. Integrate that 3D into 5D, 27D, I don't care what dimension you want to call it, but if we need something different we can do that too. There’s no limits. Everything’s possible. So the answer to your question is, is a decision was made Thursday or Friday. That choice will become visible. The fact that you will have a tracking and transfer system for your value, you can access that. It will probably…it can happen in the twinkling of an eye. Really, it’s a matter of them and how quickly it goes on one sense. But in the other, we can do it in the twinkling of an eye, just by our own choices. That’s what’s going to happen this week. Do we create an alternative one? Do we go in and repossess it? Or do we get it back? Because they're going to try to zero out their liabilities…transparently.

Lisa: Gotcha. Thank you, Frank, for your call. I'm going bring out someone who is coming in as unknown. There’s no number there, but if you've called in and you've put your hand up, please say hi, it may be you. Hello, I can hear buttons. Okay, no?

Caller: Hello?

Lisa: Yes, there you are.

Caller: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you say unmute, so I'm calling in on Skype. That’s probably why it came in unknown. I have a question for Heather.

Lisa: What was your name please?

Deryl (caller): It's Deryl from B.C.

Lisa: Oh hey, Deryl.

Deryl (caller): I just wonder if Heather would comment on the original Caleb video that was put out on the instructions for the UCC search and subsequently taken down.

(general laughter)

Heather: I didn't even get to see the video. It really was kind of salty there. I said you must have really been grumpy.

(general laughter)

D: It was Caleb in his best grumpy old man imitation.

(general laughter)

Heather: I'm sorry, my friend, I didn't see it, so I can't comment on it. I know Caleb can be a lovely soul, very firm in what he BE and he does what he BE.

D: Can I just jump in here for a quick second? I was actually chatting with Caleb and AK literally just moments before Caleb did the video. The kind of precursor to it was the fact of all of us having a conversation about these emails that we're getting from people saying, “I want the filings. I can't find the filings. Tell me how to find the filings. You have to show me where the filings are. I need to know where they are.”…yada, yada, yada, yada, yada. All of us doing the big (sigh)…okay, we'll have to run through this again. I guess Caleb, like I said, took it upon himself to make a video, but he wasn't really in the best frame of mind I would think. ( general laughter) Like I said, he was doing his best grumpy old man imitation. But it was coming from a place of…we had just been discussing over and over again this inundation of emails saying, “Show me how to” and sorry to say, but most of these emails were not phrased very, “Please could you help me.” It was, "I demand to know where they are."… that kind of thing.

Heather: Yeah, "We can't find them. They're not real. You guys aren't real. This is all a hoax." That’s okay, that’s wonderful, because it holds a contrast. I got to say it that way, otherwise I'll be grumpy too. So, Caleb, when Caleb spends his time to do a video, he does so much that nobody sees and behind the scenes with his own company, with his family and everything else. He takes time and energy to put something forth, he takes it from other places. I was really surprised that he was able to even find the time at this particular moment, because of the work he's doing with some national accounts.

Lisa: I just wanted to say that the three trustees are very different individuals. If somebody was expecting Caleb to come along with the same energy as Heather, (laughter) they may…

D:  Surprise…surprise…surprise.

Lisa: You're talking about three very different people with very different energy, very different gifts that they've brought to this particular table and no two are the same. We've got time for maybe a couple more, so are code 215 and thank you, Darrel, for calling in. Area code 215?

Caller: Hi, this is Derek from Pennsylvania.

Lisa: Hi, Derek.

Bob: Hey, Derek.

Derek (caller): Hey Bob. Hey, everybody. Just a quick question in regards to the sequence of events today with regards to the announcements from the Vatican. I may have missed it. I tuned in a little late because I had a little technical difficulty. How does that bear in with this particular situation?

Lisa: Some people caught with their pants down?

(general laughter)

Bob: Some people have been caught with their pants down.

Lisa: They don't want to be caught holding the bag when the people wake up.

Heather: How about this? I'll answer that question. I think the energy that’s involved in the Absolute Data of that particular situation is probably more fitting for Lisa’s show tomorrow night in the collective consciousness.

Derek (caller): Okay.

Heather:  I promise to add that data tomorrow night.

Derek (caller):  Okay, well I know something’s going on. It's definitely moving into the positive. Oh, one more question. As far as the DP, how is that connection? Is there a connection there as well?

Lisa: No, there isn't.

Derek (caller): Oh, okay.

Heather: Well, I know the DP's contacted me and right now there’s....I'm trying to remember sort of where everybody is and organize my brain with all the data as far as who does what. I…(inaudible)…would love (inaudible)…a base point inventory of being…(inaudible)...where and what…(inaudible)…to better use the efficiency of everyone’s value to create what everyone wants it to be. So I apologize for the DP,  I believe that’s Norway…yeah, that’s Norway, guys, right?

Lisa: I think we need to clarify what the caller means by DP.

D: Yes.

Derek (caller): Say that one more time?

Lisa: Can you just clarify what you're talking about when you say DP?

Derek (caller): Oh...Divine Province.

Lisa: Yeah, that's what I thought what you meant.

Heather: Yeah. Now, Divine Providence. I'm not familiar with their process...just what I've seen through Mike and those guys. So, I'm still learning.

Derek (caller): Okay. At any rate, everything seems to be going according to plan with things moving in a positive direction. I'm happy, either way.

Lisa: Thank you, Derek, for calling in. Okay, yes, there are quite a few things we're going to go over tomorrow night on The Collective Imagination. One will be this discussion around the Pope. We also want to talk about the whole concept of ownership. I do anyway. I want to bring that up. I think ownership, whether it's a property or gold or silver or animals or each other, is a meme that we were tricked into believing was the truth. Because you cannot own anything and we have this “mine, mine, mine, it's mine”. We want to hold onto it. Nothing's ever really yours. You don't have that ownership and control over anything in my opinion. So, we need to...again this is all my opinion ... rethink our whole concept of ownership. If we want to be free, truly free, so does everything else in creation. We have to give it that same freedom that we want for ourselves. Maybe one of the reasons we haven't been free, is because we've been tricked into the concept of ownership. The more we try to own something else, the more we are owned. 

(several talking at once)

Heather: It's very relevant to CVAC and launching it and the gold, the silver, everything. It's so relevant. It's absolutely what's focused highly on the table right now.

Lisa: Cool. Well, there'll be more of that tomorrow night, along with a couple of other things. We're hoping to get Ron Van Dyke on tomorrow's show. He may join us as well. He's a lovely, lovely guy. Now, we do have a flash mob planned. We're into our last 30 minutes, so we might kick that off and have a little bit of fun. Brian, where did you put the link for me? Okay, guys, hopefully you've already gone to the website and downloaded the tools, all of the images so that you can take your pick. Right now we're going to hit...I'll put the links in the chat room...we've got and Both of them have pages where you can leave comments that are not moderated. If you want to bring up your facebook if you can...

Brian: Really quick on that, Lisa. Occupy Wall Street is just Occupy and then wall and then "st" you don't spell out street. Also, this is a little bit of a different approach from ABC, NBC, from last week. We're looking for collaboration with these particular outlets that have huge followings. I think Occupy Wall Street...I have no idea how many people follow it on this facebook page, but I know a lot of people follow the movement. Same thing with RT News, a lot of people go there to get their news. So, be nice ... (chuckle) ...let's blast it and then tomorrow we'll be announcing some more. Really what we want people to do is keep going back...not just tonight...keep going back throughout the week and hammering. I mean, with 140 and some odd thousand listeners last Monday, that's a lot of exposure if enough people participate in these. So, let's go to work.

Lisa: Brian, I just got to tell you I just logged in to facebook and what's staring me in the face is a picture of the Pope with a “Foreclosed” stamp on his forehead.

(hilarity all around)

Brian: I love it!

D: Whoever sent that picture, I love you.

Lisa: Too funny.

(continued hilarity all around)

Chris: Yeah, I really enjoyed the picture of Moses holding the tablet, Charleton Heston of course as Moses. If you look carefully at the tablet, it says UCC.

(continued hilarity all around)

Lisa: Okay, you need to go to, no?

Brian: No, the facebook page is actually Then RT News is /rtnews. So...I'm going on there now...let's see if stuff starts popping up here.

D: You know the Occupy Wall Street page has 413,000 Likers. 

Brian: Yeah, I think RT News has even more than that. Let's see here...while we're doing this and having fun, let me make a couple real quick announcements regarding the opptgroundcrew email. So, lots...gosh, I lost track of people sending in emails saying they want to contribute. They want to be on the ground crew. I have all sorts of different categories of email folders now. People that do the videography. People that have legal backgrounds. People that are journalists and writers and doers. They're just people who want to help out. PR project management. Really what we need right now is leadership, organization and project management people to literally return emails and now start to plug all these people in to groups of doers that can work on various little projects that will be very big projects. Anybody that has some extra time and wants to help with organization and leadership and team management. Drop me an email at If I haven't gotten back to your email yet, it doesn't mean that I'm not going to get to you. We're going to get to everybody, but it's overwhelming the amount of response that we've got from the people who are wanting to help out. It's just really beautiful some of the things that people are willing to do. One guy even said, "I'm all yours. I'm willing to relocate." This guy's ready to move. (chuckle) I thought that was the next level of commitment. That's what I'm looking for right now for the ground crew effort. Let's see, I'm going to refresh here and see what we got coming through.

Lisa: Also, guys, you've got the chat room on website, that's the preferred chat room for this show. I accidently launched the blogtalk again, sorry, Deatra. That (chat room) can handle a lot more people. I also see Seraph in the queue too. So, is everybody having fun in their flash-mobbing? 

Brian: I'm trying to see...somebody refresh their screen and see if anything is coming up just yet. Ohh, you've got to change the little highlights to show posts by others, if you recall from last week.

Lisa: That's right, Seraph, are you there on the call?

Seraph (caller): Yes, I am. Can you hear me?

Lisa: Yes, I can.

D: Hey, Seraph.

Brian: Brother Seraph.

Seraph (caller): What's up, brother?

(general laughter)

Seraph (caller): I first want to say that to everybody on this call and to everybody that's in this movement, I am so in love with all of you. That's just by the line. I want to get that out of the way first. My mother use to say in church when we were kids, "Don't ever wait till somebody dies to give them praise. Give them their flowers while they're alive, so they can smell them."  So, I try as much as I can to say to you guys that I love you all. What you have done to just change my life and what you're doing to help me help others is beyond belief. We're going to go in history books in the future. Our children's children will talk about these days.
The second thing I wanted to touch on was I've felt led...I tried to stay off the call...I did my best...I really, really did. But the one thing I wanted to say, and I was led to say it the last couple of minutes...that is the Pope, George W. Bush, George Bush I, Rothschild ...anybody that we would perceive in duality as evil, wrong, cabal, whatever...we have to remember...we have to try to force's hard, believe me. It's me trying to force myself to look at the KKK in the same way. But, we have to force ourselves to understand that each individual is an eternal heart. We are trying our best to give them an opportunity to make the right choice. I only hope that they will, because it would be for me that none perish. That's my feeling about it. But being a Seraphim, I'm not afraid to swing a sword once they make that decision. So, I'm just saying, I don’t want anybody to make the wrong decision. It is a shame. It saddens me to know that there are those who will make the wrong decision based on even not having the information that we have or ignoring that information.

That's all I wanted to say. Again, I love all you guys. I think Santos has the coolest voice in the world. I'm going to put you on my CD, dude. I'm going to put your voice saying something. I don't know what you're going to say yet, but I might just get you to say something. I just dig your voice. 

(general laughter)  

Lisa: I'm sure he heard that.

(more general laughter) and (several talking at once)

Seraph (caller): (inaudible)...a 3D dude...

Chris: Seraph, Santos plays a mean guitar. You'll want to check that out.

Seraph (caller): What did you say?

Chris: Santos plays a mean guitar.

D: Yes, he does.

Seraph (caller): Don't start with me man. I'll put you on stage. Better watch out. 

(general laughter)

Chris: And you should.

Lisa: He (inaudible) all around Melbourne...and performs live. He's very good. We also have Bob's brother, Guru Bob's brother, on the line...Bevan. Bevan, are you there?

Bevan: Yeah, I am. I'm right here. Can you hear me?

Lisa: Yes, I can, barely.

D: It's very distorted.

Bevan: Oh, hold on a second.

Lisa: Okay, we're flash-mobbing and I can see it coming up on the screen at RT.

Brian: Yeah, it looks like RT News is showing. I don't know if Occupy Wall Street moderates and it just doesn't show it on their main page...

D: You know what, I'm looking at Occupy Wall Street and it looks to me scrolling through that all the original main posts are only by the page. It looks like anyone can comment on a post, but they cannot start their own post. I've posted two now and nothing's coming up. Everything looks like it's only Occupy Wall Street as the starters of each comment.

Brian: Okay, let's stick with RT News then, because there's all sorts of stuff coming up there right now.

Lisa: That's brilliant. That's a beautiful job, people. A whole page, as long as I scroll. Wow! That's great.

Brian: Love it!

Lisa: Love it! We are having an impact. The word of this has spread. The ideas for flash-mobbing that people are having. I'm getting emails from people who want to also to do things like, "I want go and print up bumper stickers. Is there anybody out there who's created a design for one?" Some people have gone off on their own bat and printed up t-shirts that they're wearing and handing out to others. Wow! What other ideas? Business cards. You can go to and get hundreds of business cards done up for about $10. Places like that and they have beautiful designs as well. There's Julien that we had in last week...from his information that he's getting...from wherever it's coming from in the Akashic...believes that there's about 600 people at the moment who are actively DO'ing on this scale. It grows by 10% a day, except for the days we do these calls. Then it grows by about 20%.   

(several talking at once)

D: (inaudible)...just that we should do a call every day.

Lisa: One suggested that we do a call every day...oh, lord.

(general laughter)

Brian: I have just one more quick announcement. I got contacted by a woman by the name of Gwen. She hosts another live radio show. It's called the Morning Brew. Her office is out of South Dakota. She has four million listeners a week. I'm going on her radio show tomorrow morning at 9 am live and then we'll get the archive and we'll put it out there. It's called Morning Brew. I don't know her name off hand, but if you look it up...Morning Brew, South Dakota. We're putting together an open letter to all radio outlets to try to get on more and more radio shows. I mean, four million listeners a week is a lot of exposure as well. Anything we can do to tap into broadcast radio...(inaudible)...

Lisa: What happened to Brian?

D: We just lost Brian.

Brian: You there? Oh, did I break up in the middle somewhere?

Lisa: You turned into some kind of android for a second and then disappeared.

Brian: Oh, okay. Gwen Caldwell, Morning Brew radio, South Dakota. When D and I first did ours, it was at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. Now we're to 9 am…on a weekday … live. Next stop 5 o'clock commute traffic with Ryan Seacrest.


Lisa: Wow!

D: And don't forget George Noory.

Brian: We're working on George Noory.

D: We've got several people working on Coast 2 Coast...seeing what they can get us in there.

Brian: Too much fun!

Lisa: Right...too much fun...exactly. If you're connected to a group of people in your local area and there's a small local radio station even, please get them to send emails, send requests, asking them to speak to somebody about this subject. They can send an email to the ground crew, I guess. Is that the best email for that, Brian? Somebody actually wants to do an interview with some out on the ground crew. What would be the best email address?

Brian: Actually, the best email address for interviews is one that we have set up, it’s That's separate, which is going on future press releases as well. So,

Lisa: Okay, if you know somebody in the media who wants an interview, then please give them that email address. That would be lovely. What else have we got to cover off today? We've got about 15 minutes left.

Brian: Lisa, do you remember I sent you an email yesterday? Deryl sent it over. It's regards to what people can do with their own law enforcement, local ...oh, I can't remember. You know what, I'll find it and we can cover it on tomorrow's show. It's kind of like everybody flash-mobbing their own community to various outlets within their own community. Since we're pushed for time, we can cover it tomorrow's call.

Lisa: Okay. Heather, is there anything more while we still got you? Your internet seems to be okay at the moment. Is there anything else you wanted to cover off today?

Heather: Well, I would like to thank everyone. First off, for all their energy and I do return in kind. I may be slow in returning email and all of that. I just wanted you to know, I'd like to verbally thank you eternally. Absolute love and peace and gratitude. I look so forward to DO'ing some more and BE'ing some more with all of you. Thank you.

Lisa: Thank you.

Brian: Thanks, Heather.    
Lisa: We've got a minute to bring out a couple of other callers, if you want to do that too.

Chris: Lisa, we've got a minute. I'd like to just run the Wizzdom game information past the listeners.

Lisa: Okay. I think some people got confused by that last week. They didn't understand why we were talking about it. 

Chris: Look, okay, I will go into that. We're entering into a situation where we're going to reform our entire civilization on the basis of knowing who we are and taking complete personal responsibility for what we do. If you look at our education system, the greatest failure is the failure to teach that to our children. The fact that we've all come through that education system means that a lot of us are not really good at teaching that to our children out of school. So we end up generation after generation of people who are simply looking for sources of authority, which is reflected in some of the emails that we get. Which basically say, "What's the official word? Who's in charge? Who do I talk to to find out what to do next?" Now, Len's teaching system that he's introduced directly addresses that. We need these tools to feed into our education systems, not just for kids but for everybody as soon as possible as we go this transformation. Because it's one of the missing links in what we have to do to transform ourselves from where we are to where we want to BE. This was stuff that Len was inspired to introduce. He's done it on a small, private scale very successfully. He wants to take it out to the rest of the world. He's actually going on a tour of the world for a few months. Starting in Melbourne next week, he'll be here on the 18th and 19th. Followed by Brisbane and then Hawaii in early March. Pennsylvania in mid-March. Hungary and Norway and Germany in late March, USA, April and Taiwan, then back to Australia. And he is looking for facilitators, if you want to get in to help the world and this is something you are interested in..... it is a series of thirty two games.... which literally are games that you can play.

I’ll just give you a very quick summary of some of the stuff it deals with: intuition, learning to listen, understand and trusts what we feel, learning to read intent. When the intent is clear, we move with purpose. Emotions become our guide, not our master. When we be like the child, we absorb information rapidly. As we trust ourselves, we adopt a just-do attitude, with purpose. Listening to our whole being employs powerful senses, feelings becoming very powerful guides. Employing multiply non-verbal communication skills. Being conscious of our abilities and wisdom is the synergy of all these natural abilities. Now, have you ever heard of that in the curriculum of your local school?  Hell, no!

I am quite passionate about what Len is doing. If you are inclined and if you’ve got young kids, here is the perfect tool. This is not something that you can limit to the education system. You can learn these games and teach them to your own kids, now. They are actually available now. The results he gets out of changing people’s attitude to themselves and to all others around them in the matter of learning self-respect. Expressing it as mutual respect. Becoming aware of your rights and responsibilities. This is fantastic things for kids to actually be exposed to. We can do it as parents. We need to introduce it into the schools. So I am really excited about the fact…and conspicuously it’s timing…that this stuff is going to hit the public. The One People…now…while all this transformative action is going on.

The website is called the The Wizzdom Club; that’s  The email address if you want to communicate directly with Len, Len Histon; it’s just info@thewizzdomclub. We’ll post the website and a facebook page for Len.I wish him all the best with his tour. I am really looking forward to meeting him yet next week, because he is going to teach me some of the games and that will be great. This is a gift to the kid’s folks.

Lisa: It is the adults that need it more than the kids do.

Chris: That is very true.

D: That is very true. It’s very true. I am telling you as a home schooling mom…one of the hardest things to do was…when I pulled my kids out of school was to first break the habit in me to be tempted to try and teach them the way I was taught.  It is tough. It is very difficult to kind of say, “Okay, well I have taken them out of school, because I don’t want them taught that way. So now I need to come at it differently.” So, I am really excited; really excited to look into this and learn more.

Chris: It breaks that cycle, because to teach your kids you first have to learn yourself. From what I gather, they get ahead of you very rapidly. Once they get into this stuff, they’ll leave you for dead. That is the gift that this thing is. I hope everyone will take a look at that and if it suits them.

Bob: One of the things that Heather always tells us is to have fun. We have been having a blast. Sometimes in that strategy room its hilarious, some of the stuff that goes on in there. When looking at children or even in the animal kingdom, they learn by playing. It is the most efficient, fastest way to learn anything. Have fun. Play. It’s sad that so many people have forgotten how to play. My father’s motto when I was growing up, “your father don’t play” and he would tell us that all the time. We knew it and it was evident in the way he treated us. But when you do play and you’re engaging all of your senses, your brain is in a completely receptive mode. You get to experience how a child absorbs information and we all know children are geniuses. You are absorbing and putting information together so quickly and so efficiently. We have forgotten. We have lost touch with that. I think what this game really does is it opens that up again. When you were younger, magic happened all the time. I remember talking to my dog and was completely confident he understood what I was saying. We had a great relationship. Where did all that magic disappear? I think that is what it does. It turns that intuitive and empathetic magical side back on.

Lisa: That is exactly what the game is designed to do. Now just a couple of points here, if you are having issues with the images on Facebook go to the OPPT-IN website, download them onto your computer, upload them to Facebook in your own personal Facebook. Maybe create an album for them and you should at that point be able to share them anywhere, I think.

Brian: Lisa, some of the Facebook pages you can share them, some of them you can’t. But use them, download them    and put them on your own Facebook pages. Before our next mob tomorrow, we’ll go find the ones that we can make sure we can post pictures to. So keep blasting anyways, whether or not we can use the pictures is beside the point. We will learn more as we go. We will make sure everybody has access to what they need for tomorrows mob.

Lisa: Maybe keep a little notepad next to your computer with a list of the websites that we have hit so far. So…RT, Occupy Wall Street and was it CBS last week?

Brian: Yes, CBS. Hey, real quick, Deatra has a comment for you in the chat room that you might want to read out loud…directing people to go to  I guess there are so many people on the call we’re getting close to running out of people that can hop into chat.

Lisa: Yes, I mentioned it earlier that website has a chat room there that can handle a hell of a lot more people. Blogtalk will peak out if it hasn’t already.

(several talking at once…laughter)

Brian: Yeah, 141,000 live listeners to last week’s call. So, man, if that is not exciting, I do not know what is.

Lisa: Guys, we will be back tomorrow with the Collective Radio show on Blogtalk as well. I am going to share a vision that I had that apparently put Heather in a sweat for three days. I don’t know what that means, but anyways, I will share that with you. We’ll do another flash mob. We are going to talk about what was touched on today in regards to the existing cabal members. That’s a discussion that I think needs to be had, I think too. The concept of us being all equal owners, for want of a better word, and custodians probably is a better word…equally. So the concept of the system. If it hurts one of us, it hurts all of us and what are we going to do about it. The whole concept of ownership. We’ll discuss the Pope. Heather’s got information there that she wants to share tomorrow night. If it is appropriate, I got my own insights on that one. Again, we will talk about the documentary FUQ, Frequently Unanswered Questions. Because for those that missed today’s show, it is absolutely a fabulous tool to get your head around the process that took place.

Not just here in Australia, but what took place globally with the Peoples Trust. I want to thank every one of you for calling in. Some of you who have had your hand up and wanted to speak out, I am sorry that we did not get to do that. It’s always a very busy show on a Monday night/Tuesday morning. And those listening, I’m sure there is over a hundred thousand of you out there. So, spread the word, bring people to the show both Monday night and Tuesday night. We do cover slightly different topics each night. This is growing so exponentially. It is beautiful to see all of the doing that is going on. The people who are putting their hand up for absolutely anything and everything that needs to be done.  Thank you to Heather for calling. Thank you to Brian. Thank you, D. Thank you, Chris. Thank you, Bob. Thank you, Seraph. Thank you, Max, for hanging out in the background there and listening. I am sure we will be talking to you soon too. Thank you.

Lisa, Chris, Bob, Brian, D: Thank you.



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