Breaking News
Friday, 8 February 2013

Info Post
A snowy day today, means time to reflect for a moment and tackle a few topics that I'm getting emails about constantly, lol.

1- We have thousands of people who've signed up for email updates, per that little button over there ----->
..... and hundreds of you are not getting the email updates.  I know my friends, I know..... it's a blogger glitch and I have yet to be able to fix it or get them to fix it for us (hell they won't even reply back to me).

This is one of the many reasons that we are moving to a new site.  The bare bones site is here:  

..... like I said, just the very basic beginnings and as soon as we have time to breathe I will be organizing a few people to help us get it set up properly.

2-  Only "team members" can leave comments. This was not meant to create a special group who have the ability to comment- there are no official "team members" set up for the blogger account.  This was the only setting I could use that would stop all comments on this site.

Many people are furious at me, and saddened that I turned off the comments, but there is absolutely no possible way for me to keep up with the moderation of the comments when we were getting 200-300 a day, and the moment I turned off the comment moderation and returned it to open so that everyone could comment, we got slammed by trolls and shills.  I am NOT willing to let the negativity of those people corrupt the positive vibe of RTS.  Yes, we could ignore their ass shat bluster and ridiculousness...... but even allowing them the freedom to post is empowering them to spread their negativity.  I WILL NOT DO THAT.

BUT..... the new RTS forum is now up and running!!

The forum was launched officially yesterday and we already have 282 members and 354 posts.  There are lots of conversations going on, discussions about articles, talking about planning the next flash mob, and those just chilling out and making friends and laughing.

There is also a Global Forum which will have sections for individual languages- so far there is only German, but that will change as others contact us asking to create a forum in their language for people to share information.  If you are running one of the many websites that are translating the RTS articles here for your readers, please feel free to contact me to create a forum for you.  And perhaps you might want to join our translation teams in the Translators Forum!

Edited 02/08/13 2:02pm est to add:

We now have a Dutch Forum as well!

Come on over!  The water in the pool with fine and the deck is fully stocked with drinks and lounge chairs!

3- RTS has a Twitter account..... I'm sorry, I really thought I'd posted this ages ago, but ummmmmm, yea, apparently I didn't!

4- RTS has a Facebook page...... yea, in the same category as the twitter account, lol.  I have several people who are looking after the page for us and they are doing an awesome job of keeping it updated with all the news.

5-  My friends... I'm not a lawyer, an accountant, a banking professional, a tax specialist, or a UCC wizard.  I can NOT give you  "advice" or tell you what to do!  I can't.  I am posting all the information possible and trying to help people find and research what they want to know, but that's the limit of my abilities.

6- Judge Dale is a wonderful person.  He's brilliant, and awesomely great.  But he also doesn't have the time to answer every single question people have.  Dale has written some excellent articles on so many topics, but his writings are meant to be the springboard for the people to do your own homework and research.  I will not give out Judge Dales personal contact information, I'm sorry.

7-  The CVACs have not been launched yet and there are teams working on it and writing up the information as we speak.  As soon as we have everything organized and ready to rumble, I will post every bit of information I have on it.  I'm sorry we can't snap our fingers and make it appear instantly my friends, please just allow the people who are working on the CVACs to get them ready.

8-  Yes, I know that Heather isn't replying to your emails personally at this moment.  Heather has well over 4 thousand emails in her inbox.... she is doing what she can to address them, but the task right now is almost insurmountable.  Heather is working on vitally important things and that is her prime focus.

There are new sites coming on-line daily right now supporting OPPT,  and we're trying to keep the list updated.  I will post a new list this weekend.  It has been amazing to watch the news spread like wild fire across the planet (and beyond ;>)

So many things are happening right now!!  I will write updates on everything as fast as they are ready to be launched.  Wheeeew!  it's like a marathon race of epic proportions!!!  (and I'm seriously out of shape, lol!),  but I'll keep up as best I can.


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