Breaking News
Sunday, 6 January 2013

Info Post
Hello my friends, this is just a quick post to let you know that I'll be joining Deb, Hope, Carrol and Sherie on the Shift is Happening radio show on Blogtalk radio tomorrow.  Deb is doing 7 broadcasts in a row starting January 7th.

As I've said before both here and on previous broadcasts, I am am not fond of anything that hints of organized religion.  I steer clear of terms like "Christ consciousness", and I dislike the expression "Ascended Masters".  I believe that St. Germaine exists in our reality, but I have not met him and therefore I cannot say what he stands for,  or what his symbols stand for.  I have spoken to Deb about this topic several times and explained my position on the use of words and the connotations that can be created by with the use of words.

Deb and I had a long conversation on this topic yesterday and I feel the need to write here my thoughts on this.

In my opinion (and the opinions of a vast assortment of people from many walks of life and experience) Organized Religion is a construct of the Cabal (and their forefathers) to control humanity and control their consciousness.  When you give people rules to live by, tell them what is Right & Wrong and tell them that only a few men in a position of power have the ability to rule over them as their spiritual guides/mentors/fathers/priests/rabbis/etc, then you take consciousness from the people and their right to   decide for themselves what their journey is- what their reason for BEing is.

In my opinion there is a tendency for people to draw back to their safe haven even while searching for freedom.

What I mean is that as many many people are escaping from the hold of organized religion, searching for the freedom of consciousness that they crave, they sometimes create a new paradigm of belief that falls back into the programming of their back-ground, bringing words and ideas and beliefs from the programming they have run away from, into the new paradigm of beliefs that they are discovering. For example : Christ Consciousness or Archangels.

I am not saying these are not valid words or thoughts or even beings.  But I am cautious of what they represent in the face of pulling the old into the new.  Words have power. Words represent energy- energy of creation and understanding. We have the ability to create the new.  Therein is my caution to the use of words that come from a paradigm of control and bringing them into the new paradigm of freedom.

In my search for higher truth, for higher consciousness, for remembering who I am and why I'm here, when I read or hear certain words they create a wall in front of me, and whatever the message those words might be conveying - good or bad- is lost behind that wall.  I am speaking of my own personal experience and perception of course, but I have a feeling that I am not the only one that feels and sees this wall.  This is the reason that I am very careful of the words I choose to write or speak out loud.

Having said that, the basis of what Deb is working towards- the creation and activation of a new paradigm of freedom and the creation and manifestation of the new financial system- I fully believe in.

We are the creators.  We are the light that shines into the future.  We are the ones that will save us.

We don't NEED a Saviour.  WE ARE THE SAVIOURS.

So if you feel like it, if the thought resonates with you, if you feel that this is a path forward that you wish to walk on, then please join us tomorrow and we'll collectively put our creative energies together and manifest the reality that we want.

... You must be the Change you wish to see in the world.  YOU

Light to you all

Monday, January 7th 2013 at 7pm PST /10pm EST

Day 1 of 7 Day Broadcast to Activate the New Paradigm with the Timeline of Light!
Anchor YOU on the New Timeline of Light
Command the Global ReSet & Gratitude that it is DONE
Take a Stand that Mother Earth is now in the hands of the Guardians and Ambassadors of Beings of Light

It’s TIME to take a stand for this planet to be a planet of freedom, liberation, truth and love…just for starters.  Now that you have awakened to deception of the Enslavement Matrix, It’s Time to awaken to your Soul Remembrance and to Unite with the other Beings of Light who are awakening as well.

The (ousted) PTB have done a bang up job of destroying life, manipulating the Timelines, raping souls of their Free Will, stealing money, creating emotional trauma through fear & survival tactics and much more…Now…It’s Time to “Pick Up the Pieces and Go Home” 

Join Power of Light Gal Pals HopeGirl, Carrol, D, Deb & Sherrie (helming the switchboard) for 7 broadcasts in a row, to consciously co-create, activate and anchor you as a liberated Beings of Light on the new Timeline of Light.   You are Source – now that the jail cells – the suspension chambers have been opened, each of us must consciously choose to release, nullify, neutralize and replace all programs, implants, wounds etc. that our soul energy has been affected by or utilized to fuel the enslavement matrix.

Over the past year +, Deb has been given detailed information and insights regarding the manipulation of the timelines, (now backed by hard-core science – see “Daniel Papers-Timelines”) which led to her creating a Venus Rising Unified Field team and working to consciously anchor & activate this Timeline of Light since June 5th 2012 Venus Transit.  Since October 10th it’s been ready for seeding, programming and consciously CHOOSING to be co-creating from that Timeline.  This is also why so many awakened beings have been experiencing such chaos & technological issues in the last few months – the Timelines are separating.  Additionally, she’s been given details about the “hidden alchemy” that we each can utilize as CONDUITS for manifesting a new reality.  This is the alchemical sequencing of the 777 – 7 chakras, 7 elements & 7 frequencies. There’s many reasons that the GOLD is to be released – so the frequency of the Golden Age can be manifest, our Hearts of Gold can Ignite AND we, each as “Dorothy” can take the “yellow /gold brick road HOME”.  Let’s go HOME – by creating that reality together…we’re in this together…it’s the ONLY WAY HOME – TOGETHER!

Now it’s Time for all Beings of Light to create a Unified Field, to take a STAND for the Global ReSet to be done NOW!!

We start on Monday, January 7th 2013 at 7pm PST /10pm EST with the grand finale 1st chakra anchoring and birthing on Sunday, January 13th – the realm of transformation.


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