Breaking News
Thursday, 24 January 2013

Info Post
Ok, so I thought that going on a radio show and explaining everything that has been happening and the realizations that my inner brain finally beat my outer brain to accept.... against it's will I might add was the best way to get the information out. But obviously the problems with the audio caused issues  and that didn't really work out so well.  So let me try this again.

As I said on the show two days ago....

One of the biggest problems when gathering intel and information is maintaining neutrality.  I have always prided myself on the fact that I have been able to keep things in perspective (most of the time) because I don't have a political, religious or racial agenda, which makes analyzing intel and data in neutrality much easier.   BUT... what I hadn't factored into that is the fact that when you want something so badly, you use that want to block out other information that your subconscious picks up.

For the past six months as intel and information about the "RV" and the new financial system has been coming to me through various sources, I have had niggling doubts and questions about everything that has been happening and the people/organizations that have been involved.  Some of you have also had these questions pop up in your brain because I've read them in your comments.  Each of these comments furthered the doubts in my own mind and drove me to try to understand the situation on a higher level.

When I got involved in digging for intel on my own- because I realized that there were huge missing pieces in the information being put out by the "gurus"- I spent months researching everything: NESARA, World Global Settlements, Wanta Funds, St Germain and the World Trust Fund, the new financial system, the Collateral Accounts, etc, and storing all that information away for future reference.  This also included a crash course in American Politics and Economic/Financial History. The more I researched, the more questions I had about the intel that I was getting and the motives behind it.

For example:

- If NESARA would also be opening the Patent Office and releasing the "new technologies", then why are the Chinese making arrangements with the various Dinar Groups to buy up their IQD  at higher rates for Oil Credits?  If all these new technologies are going to be opened to the public, (and yes they are real and yes there is such things a zero point energy and free energy devices) , then the use of oil was about to be radically diminished.  So why is China buying up all the oil credits they can get their hands on?

- If "Debt Forgiveness" is part of NESARA, and if the Cabal are going to be arrested for their crimes- including the financial crimes that have plunged the world into economic turmoil,  then why are these massive amounts of money being shipped all over the world to pay off "National/Debts"?  Debt "Forgiveness" in my mind didn't mean paying off those debts to the cabal bankers/controllers that were holding entire countries hostage over those "debts".  That made no sense to me. The Cabal controlled Central Banks are the ones that got us into this situation, why would "they" pay out money to them to get rid of a "debt" that in reality doesn't even exist?  Yet I had incontrovertible evidence that this was EXACTLY what was happening.

- Yes, China holds a lot of the US's "Debt", and is obviously part of the BRICs and non- aligned nations that have supposedly said "Enough is Enough!!" about the horrifically corrupt US Federal Reserve bank's strangle-hold on the global economy.  Yes, the US has tried to rip China off by paying them in Tungsten filled "gold bars".  Yes, China's falling economy is directly linked to the failing economy in the US as American consumers can no longer afford to by Chinese made goods. Yes, China has over powered the Federal Reserve dollars by doing all trade in their own currency..... hmmmmmmmm..... none of these are motives that say "saving humanity and ushering in the golden age".

- Yet intel sources and "gurus" are trying to laud China as being the "Saviour of America and it's peoples".  We've been told over and over again that a certain Chinese woman has been working with the new UST, with the IMF, with the BIS with the United Nations and Wells Fargo, to push the Global Currency Revaluation and the new Financial System through..... ummmmmm UST?  IMF?  BIS? Wells Fargo? United Nations?  These are all Cabal controlled agencies that are just puppets used by the grand puppet masters to control all of the world.

- Then there is the intel about how this certain asian lady has been bribing a certain high(est) up American official to "stand aside" and sign off on the RV- to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars.  Bribing?  In what universe is THAT part of debt forgiveness or arresting the Cabal or NESARA?

-  And then there is the fact that NESARA is suppose to roll out world wide.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but NESARA is based on the American Constitution.  What Right do they have to push the American Constitution onto other nations and people?

These are just a few of the questions that have been nagging me over and over again for months and months.

BUT, like most of you, I am Desperate.  I want all these things to roll out world wide- so much so that for months I continuously shushed my inner mind on these questions and just kept pushing forward with the idea that it would all work out just fine.  And when I laid in bed at night and I couldn't shut my inner brain off that was screaming that this is all about corruption and lies, I consoled myself by saying "Well, when the money comes through and I set up my foundations I will be able to help so many people and be able to get things in motion to create REAL change!"

Right up until about 10 days ago, I continued to force myself to believe in the charade that was being perpetrated on the people of Earth under the guise of the golden age of freedom.

Yes, the arrests took place on Dec 5th.  Yes, Boehner was sworn in as Interim president on Dec 6th.  Those are facts.  I don't care if you don't believe me, that's your choice.

December 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th.... we were told that the announcements and full disclosure would roll out immediately.  They didn't.  For WEEKS we have been told to expect the announcements "imminently"..... Not just my sources, but all of us have heard this from all our sources from all levels of government, 3 letter agencies, foreign gov people, military....  BUT.... nothing happened.

When I got in touch with Heather, Trustee for The People's Trust, for the first time, it was like speaking to my best friend whom I hadn't seen in a year or two.  There was an instant connection that was unbelievably intense.  When I read the UCC documents and each of the Releases that have been filed, they jumped out at me like fireworks- while I struggled with the legalese and the non-3D language of the documents, I KNEW at the deepest level of consciousness that THIS is what I had been waiting for to happen.

As we discussed more and more of the background of OPPT, the Trustees, and the current Intel, Heather and I didn't always see eye to eye on everything.  I had a smug superiority over everything to do with the RV and the new system, thinking that I really had a much better understanding of all that had been happening (and to Heather's credit, she didn't laugh at me even once!!). Heather was the epitome of saintly patience as I explained to her over and over that NESARA would be announced and that everything would be wonderfully fixed.

And of course, all during these days and days of discussions with Heather, I had continuous conference calls with various people- all of whom are telling me "Announcements Today/tonight/tomorrow"..... and of course, none of them happened.  And certain sources of mine (who are in a position to make this statement) by last week were almost working themselves into an apoplectic  fit and spluttering that there is no way on this earth that they would allow the inauguration to go forward....  and yet, of course, we all saw it happen, didn't we?

Finally, after weeks of refusing to listen to the inner voice that was by this time screaming at me at the top of it's proverbial lungs I woke up one morning last week and the entire situation was crystal clear.

NESARA and all the package that comes with it has been usurped by the "Cabal" and twisted to suit their needs.  Turned into a pretty, shiny present wrapped up in beautiful paper and sparkly bows.... to distract from the fact that the box underneath is empty.

A few months ago, a good friend of mine told me about a conversation he'd had, about the history of China.  Apparently China for thousands of years have been using the same method for controlling their population- which is that whenever the people get really really mad and start to think about uprising against the controllers, they would have a dynasty change: bring out a new face  to be the leader and roll out prosperity to the people... making them all happy and complacent for a generation or two.  Meanwhile it is still the same controllers in dominion over them- just disguised under a different mask, and within 50-100 years they would be right back where they started.

Does that sound familiar to you?

THIS is EXACTLY what the Cabal has tried to do with NESARA.  Time for a Dynasty change.  So they removed the one face of the Cabal dynasty that is in power now, and exchange it for another cabal dynasty wearing a different mask- roll out prosperity and the milk and honey, make the people happy and complacent ..... meanwhile they are still under the control of the Slave System of the Cabal.  With in a few decades we would be right back where we are right now.

.... these people don't give away money or power unless they know they can get it back, plus extra, later on.

So.... we're waiting on those all important announcements.  Waiting on the RV to "go live". Waiting on the New Financial System. Waiting for the milk and honey.

But it isn't' happening and everyone- even those who are involved up to their eyeballs, are scratching their heads at the very least, and throwing tantrums.

What happened to interfere with their plans?  What rolled out publicly during this time?

The People's Trust UCC filings.

Now, the naysayers don't want to believe that these papers/documents mean anything. Yet anyone on the inside of Washington knows that the puppets are shaking in the boots and freaking out.

Both Boehner and Obama have ordered the Media to NOT report on the UCC filings or OPPT.  The petition to the Government, that was filed TWICE in the last two days with regards to The People's Trust has been  removed both times within hours if it being uploaded.  Boehner called a national press conference the other night at 5pm est- he walked up to the podium then walked away for an hour and showed up with a rag tag group of congressmen and women and talked about the budget.  Then it was said that he'd be on live TV on CNN at 11pm that same night to make an important announcement..... and never appeared.

These puppets are desperately trying to continue the ruse that they planned to play on the people of the planet... yet they CAN'T.  They are in Stalemate. Obama was "sworn in" because they couldn't even sort out THAT part of the issue and were forced to keep playing the role that the public expects to see.

They know what the OPPT filings have done- that they are now officially foreclosed on and powerless.  More than that though, is the fact that they don't have the MONEY to move ahead!!

See, the biggest shortcoming of the Cabal is their arrogance and superiority- they honestly have convinced themselves that they are all powerful- verging on omnipotent!  They thought that they could bluster their way around the "trouble makers", they thought that they could force everyone to play their game....  They thought that they were king of the mountain

.... except that the "old man" who they were dealing with back in the early 1900's is still around to this day and he's NOT going to let them have the money!!  Sorry guys!  You've been outsmarted by your own stupidity!!!  And the people that have hamstrung the world's governments and their puppet agencies can NOT be bought!!!  And a big wind storm just came through town and blew them right off the top of their mountain.

 ........ AND..... the big guns that they though they had behind them- their bosses BOSSES.... just up and disappeared.  hmmmmmmm, now what are you going to do, knowing that the big guys you thought you had on your side to back you up suddenly have vanished?  Who's going to tell you what to do now?  Who's going to have your back in the BIG battle now?  Feeling a bit.... naked are you?

So here we sit today.  The government/cabal is spinning it's wheels in frustration because it can't go forward regardless of how many tantrums they throw and who they try to buy off.  Sucks to be you guys.

As for what comes next?  There WILL be full understanding of everything that is and has happened and the information will be made very clear.  We are waiting for that moment.

Please my friends, I know that you're confused and impatient and angry (rightfully so!) and desperate. We all are.  The moment I have more information to give you on all of this I will post it immediately.   I am doing my best to wade through upwards of 300 emails a day, hundreds of skype messages and to read and respond to the comments here on RTS.  I'm not ignoring you, I'm just swamped.  (note: emailing me the same question over and over isn't helping me make time to respond- just sayin')

Our job for this moment is to hold the light.  To spread the knowledge of OPPT and the UCC filings and what that means for the people of this planet - FREEDOM.  Our job is to pull the energy of Gaia up to where it should be- to play with the gold in our imagination and to manifest - not the world that we are afraid of, but the world that we KNOW we should have through our birthright as FREE human BEings.

All it takes is ONE..... but ONE backed by millions more is so much more fun!!


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