Breaking News
Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Info Post
 A few comments were made over the past day about the New World Order, talking about so-called whistle blowers that pretend to be telling the secret agenda of various 3 letter agencies and the US government. In reality, these "whistleblowers" are just disinformationists spreading fear.

"You MUST be afraid of the coming New World Order!!!"

The NWO has been running for a long time.

When people start warning about how the Cabal wants to create a New World Order, and telling people to panic because it's coming.... I tell them that it's been here for a long time.  The UN is the USA Corporation's Cabal puppet, passing rules to tell countries what to do. The US has used military might,
Black Ops, Assassination, Financial Terrorism and Biological Weapons to rule the world for over 50 years. The US Federal Reserve dollar was the world reserve currency for well over 60 years.....

The New World Order is going to take away your freedom?  Seriously?  TSA sexually assaulting travellers of all ages?  Homeland Security and the FBI listening to your phone calls and reading your emails and scanning your cell phones? Police beating and shooting tear gas and rubber bullets into crowds of demonstrators? Court Judges who don't know constitutional law, who are so corrupt that they will willingly throw innocent people into jail to make a buck? How about political parties that don't even try to hide their corruption when they appoint their favourite poster boy instead of the winner of the GOP?

They've taken away your freedom already.  But we are still winning.

... they've lost.  They are pretending that they are still the mighty all powerful ones, but the world finally got together and called their bluff. They're keeping up the pompous bluster for the sleepers to listen to between foot ball games and American Idol, but all it is is empty threats.

The cabal is screaming their new world order agenda plan, like a deranged psychopathic dictator screeching in high pitched hysteria "YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME, I AM YOUR MASTER!!!!"...... except the sleepers are awakening and and turning and walking away in disgust.  As someone said in a comment earlier this morning: even their false flags are failing miserably!!  They created a horror story of epic proportions in CT, they tried to terrify the public into running to cower in their homes, demanding that their government protect them..... but instead the public when out and armed themselves to the teeth with every gun they could buy in several states!!

Basta!  They are history.  All we are seeing now is the shadow that lingers until the sun finally sets on their parade.

I'm not afraid of their new world order.  It's pathetic..... and a complete failure.


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