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Monday, 17 December 2012

Info Post
Hi everyone- just a quick note here:  the comments are flying fast and furiously over on the post I made yesterday.  but I'm having serious technical issues with blogger/blogspot in the comment section.  I'm getting the email notifications of the comments, but some are disappearing from the comment section, and now for the past 4 hours many of my replies are now disappearing.  I don't know if you can even read the replies I've made in the past few hours?

.... I really need to get off of blogger.  they are driving me INSANE!!!!!

Anyway, I'm about to post an update on some of the stuff we've been discussing for the past 18 hours or so,  but I'm going to reboot my computer and try to clean a few things up in hopes that I fix whatever is going on here on RTS.

I'm not amused with this crap.


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